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Fukuya Japanese Food

Suehiro Usukuchi Soy Sauce 末廣淡口醬油

Suehiro Usukuchi Soy Sauce 末廣淡口醬油

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龍野 本造り醤油淡口 500ml瓶


Usukuchi (light colored) shoyu is not your typical soy sauce, meaning this is not the one you use for dipping your sushi into. This style of shoyu is a seasoning and is made for cooking. Think of it like you would use salt. This wonderful light bodied brew from Suehiro has a complex aroma of umami and the taste is much of the same with a slightly caramel umami.  Produced from only Japanese-grown soybeans, wheat and natural sea salt.  Use this to season soups, simmered dishes, hotpot etc.

Located in Tatsuno City, Suehiro Shoyu has been using traditional methods to brew usukuchi (light colored) soy sauce since 1879. 


明治12年(西元1879年) ,末廣醬油株式會社於日本兵庫縣龍野市創立,在『醬油之鄉』用心製作醬油達130多年,承襲日式傳統釀造工藝,培育天然酵母,堅持使用日本國產大豆與小麥,製造質佳味美的淡口醬油。

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